
The Critters

For Nice Critters

The Responsibilities That Come With Having Hedgehogs As Pets

The Responsibilities That Come With Having Hedgehogs As Pets

If you are familiar with how hedgehogs look like, you will agree that their unique cuteness alone can make you want to own one. Having hedgehogs as pets can be a great experience. They are wonderful and very entertaining creatures. Adopting them is best when they are about 6-8 weeks old and have already been weaned. When choosing, look for ones with bright clear eyes, well-rounded body that show great energy and alertness.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are up most of the time at night. They spend the day sleeping. If handled properly and when their quills are not up, they are very cuddly and friendly. The quills are a defense mechanism that goes up when they feel threatened. But they are known to have good temperament. Most pet hedgehogs live in cages or aquariums, but under supervision, you can occasionally set them free and run in the house after they have been litter-trained. Litter training of hedgehogs is surprisingly easy.

If you plan to adopt one, you need to be prepared for the responsibilities that come with caring for one. It may be good to note that if you are allergic to cats, then hedgehog may not be for you. Typical small pet care involves time and effort. You will have to clean the pet’s cage, feed it, and spend bonding time with it. You will need to provide its needs regularly such as food, a cage, a litter box and more. It is basically the same with having hedgehogs as pets. They like human affection. They are wonderful swimmers, too. Give them a shallow pool and they will enjoy swimming in it. They go bananas over hiding their heads, a playtime they enjoy so much. You can give them toilet paper tubes for this. Exercise wheel is something they also enjoy so put one in a cage for your pet to enjoy.

To help them not to become bored with the food that you give, treat your hedgehogs with their favorite bananas on an occasional basis, like two times a week. You may also serve bugs as they are in general, insectivores. They eat snails and worms and insects found in gardens. However, don’t just let them loose in your garden if you use insecticides on your plants. Plant insecticides can seriously harm them. It is better to exercise caution by purchasing feed from pet stores made specifically for hedgehogs. These cute balls of fun are prone to parasites. Milk and other form of dairy products should never be a part of their diet because they cannot tolerate them.

For those wanting to have hedgehogs as pets, they should know that to help the animal enjoy playtime, extra space in the cage should be provided. Put divisions inside to make room for sleep time or nesting needs and some areas for activity time. If you plan to keep more than one hedgehog, make sure to provide separate quarters. They like their own space as they are very territorial in nature. An additional member in its marked area could result in fighting that could harm them. You should get one as young as possible, and then slowly introduce the new companion in a stress-free way.

Being quiet animals, these creatures are ideal pets for persons living in apartments. Since they are small, all you have to provide is a cage spacious enough since they move around a lot. They make snuffling noise when they breathe and grunts or chirps occasionally when frightened or upset. Other than that, they are quiet and peaceful. If you are the quiet type and you like the companionship of a pet, then adopting one or two hedgehogs as pets may be ideal for you.